Extended12M Report

Extended12M report gives you everything provided by the FLASH report (MORE rating, credit limit, industry comparison over the past 3 years) plus:

  • corporate registry;
  • last 3 years annual accounts;
  • partners and managers;
  • potential public negativities, with details;
  • 12 months free update, monitored.

With the Extended12M report you have the maximum quantity of information available to deeply understand a company's stability.

The Extended12M report is the second paid level on s-peek, and gives you some details:

Corporate information


Here you find all the company's contact details, its legal form, industry, current state, and if it's listed or not.

Credit Risk


As in the FLASH report, you have the information based on the MORE rating:

  • turnover (to understand the company's size);
  • profit and loss (to understand the company's profitability);
  • equity (to evaluate the company's solidity);
  • total assets (to understand the company's debt level).

MORE Credit Limit

Credit Limit is the credit amount a company can request, with a detailed evaluation of the annual commercial credit allowable. modeFinance calculates the trustworthiness of a company based on the following factors:

  • size;
  • years in business;
  • average number of suppliers;
  • cost to suppliers;
  • company's current assets, compared to the business industry;
  • company's ability to repay debts (MORE rating).

MORE Rating

The MORE rating analyzes the company's economical and financial fundamentals, it evaluates every business aspect to determine how balanced are the different features. MORE evaluation main idea is: the better the balance, the higher the rating.

Analysis of the rating

A first general rating analysis is displayed through s-peek's color-coded system, based on:

  • solvency;
  • profitability;
  • liquidity.

Financial statement


You will be able to access the financial statements of the last three years.



Here you will find the corporate organization chart, partners' and managers' names.



The company's financial trends, through the public annual accounts, particularly:

  • sales figure;
  • profit and loss;
  • equity;
  • total assets.



You will be able to reach the company's MORE rating, solvency, liquidity and profitability of the last 3 years, and to compare them to the same industry average data.

Thanks to these charts, you will quickly understand if the company's financial profile is better or worse than the others.



The Extended12M report is monitored and updated for 12 months since you purchase it.

With effect from July 10th, 2015, modeFinance srl is registered as a credit rating agency in accordance with Regulation (EC) N. 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 (the Credit Rating Agencies Regulation). MORE Methodology is used by modeFinance as part of the process of issuance of Credit Ratings in compliance with Regulation (EC) N. 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 (the Credit Rating Agencies Regulation). Please note that the measure of creditworthiness included in modeFinance's s-peek is not a "credit rating" as defined in accordance with the EU Regulation N. 1060/2009.