Company details

Once you select a company you're interested in, you will have different options.
Keep an eye on
This is the FREE Report level. Here you access the company name and its MORE risk category. You will discover if it's healthy, balanced or not, financially speaking:
- Green - MORE Rating: AAA, AA, A, BBB;
- Yellow - MORE Rating: BB, B,
- Red - MORE Rating: CCC, CC, C, D.
In the company profile page you will find the company's legal form, its business sector and its address.
Reports you can purchase
There are two fee-paying reports:
- FLASH: purchasable starting from 0.99Euro, allows you to access modeFinance's MORE Score (AAA-D), credit limit, total debts qualitative trends, profitability, and a comparison with same business sector companies;
- Extended12M: purchasable starting from 15.99Euro, provides all of the previous information, plus the principle financial data (equity, total assets, sales figures, profit/loss) related to the last three years of the company’s activity.